Monday 16 July 2012

Monday Mentor...Google Analytics!

OK those of you not running a business on the web or for whom the background information on the web is all 'geek' I advise you to look away now.

For those of us who love the web as an effective tool, I give you today's Monday mentor. The free but all powerful Google Analytics!

I believe that the internet is a MUST HAVE tool for businesses. I recently saw a request from Jane at for any women still using 'traditional' methods of business to get in touch as a  broadsheet newspaper was looking for women who had shunned the internet and it's marketing power for those who still used paper & networking to promote their business. I smiled to myself as I saw this request on what is arguably the largest online social media site (and previous mentor) - Facebook. If you had shunned the internet as a business why would you be signed up to's newsfeed updates on your Facebook page!! I digress.

Google analytics provides us website builders and social media users the power to understand the value of our internet actions. For free. It's not often anything in business comes for free and provides as much valuable feedback for business owners, so if you are not already using Google Analytics then I urge you sign up now!

The new and standard reports available allow you to view where visitors to your website came from, how they found you, where they went on your site, how they travelled through your site, how much time they spent on each page... a whole wealth of information that shows you what adds the most value to your site and how to improve it for your visitors.

A must have tool for any business with an online presence.

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